
Brahmananda valli taittiriya upanishad
Brahmananda valli taittiriya upanishad

brahmananda valli taittiriya upanishad

The term "Vyahruti" means pronunciation, since these above mentioned words are pronounced in Vedic rituals like Agnihotra, these are called Vyahruti's.

brahmananda valli taittiriya upanishad

These denote different worlds in Puranas. The words "Bhooh", "Bhuvah", "Suvah", "Mahah", "Janah", "Tapah" and "Satyam" arecalled seven Vyahruti's or Sapta Vyahrutis. Fifth and Sixth Anuvakas try to describe Brahman in the form of Vyahrutis.In this anuvak teacher prays that " As water flows from high land to low land, as months join to become year, let good disciples come to me from everywhere" Fourth Anuvaka consists of Mantras and rituals to be done by those who aspire for Divine Knowledge ( Medha Kama) and Wealth ( Shree Kama)."Lower jaw is former form (or first syllable), upper jaw is next form (next syllable), speech is union or connection, tongue is connector" One of the example used under the heading of Self or Adhyaatmaa tries to make point that the connection between syllables is as intimate and innate as speech and elements producing it. This anuvak also declares that one who realises connection between syllables, will get good fruits including heaven. There is also a method of reciting Vedic Mantras where each syllable of mantra is recited separately of preceding and next syllables known as " Samhita Patha". Each of these examples are called a Maha Samhita. Third Anuvaka tells about the intimate connection between the syllables using five examples and implicitly tells that one should meditate on those examples to realise connections told in them.Second Anuvaka lists the contents of Shiksha discipline.First Anuvaka of this Valli starts with Shanti Mantra " OM Sham no Mitra.The Siksha Valli deals with the discipline of Shiksha (which is the first of the six Vedangas or "limbs" or auxiliaries of the Vedas), that is, the study of phonetics and pronunciation.

Brahmananda valli taittiriya upanishad